In this post, we will be talking about Yahoo Calendar Reminder. Yahoo is an email provider which gives the user the advantage to send and receive messages from friend and family and send an invite through the calendar. However, Yahoo Calendar is a web-based calendar service from Yahoo which can read calendar feeds and events syndicated from sites. Which makes use of the published platform programming interfaces while users are not required. To have a Yahoo mail account but are required to have a Yahoo ID to use the platform.
Yahoo Calendar Reminder
The Yahoo Calendar where most people don’t use but still has some unique features which you can benefit from. However, the platform is one of the largest online calendar providers and serves a million users. The platform has a feature of the 100-year calendar with various alarm features that allow you to send messages to numerous sources. Which include Mobile devices and Yahoo Messenger and the ability to sync your calendar with those palm devices and Microsoft office outlook. Also, Yahoo Calendar sync with CalDAV, iPhone and some SyncML enabled mobile phones. On the platform, users can also share schedules with each other. the mechanism allows several different methods of sharing including publicly sharing your calendar.
How do I access my Yahoo calendar?
In other to access your Yahoo Calendar you need to Log in on Yahoo Mail by entering your user ID and password. However, the platform allows several methods of sharing your Calendar with a specific Group and sharing your calendar with a particular user. here are a few steps on how to access my Calendar;
Read Also – Sign In Yahoo – How To Sign In To Yahoo Mail | Yahoo Mail
Launch any web browser on either your computer or Mobile phone.
Go to the official website
Input your username and password login. Then at the homepage click on the Calendar button which is located on the right of the screen.
After clicking on the calendar button a new browser will be opened showing you the calendar.
Which will review the potential for scheduling and event registration and saving on the cloud.
Can you share a calendar on Ymail?
Yes, users can share the Yahoo Calendar with other users via the mobile app. Which is available on various app stores. However, the Mobile app is available variously on Android and iPhone for free. Also, all you just need to if you want to share the Calendar. Is go to the settings icon by Actions and click on share. Choose the Calendar you want to share with yourself and click continue. Also, the platform allows you to share more than one Calendar by going through the same process again.
Yahoo Calendar automatically reads, integrates and republish public and personal events syndicated from eventful, upcoming. Also, Evite, Bookwhen and other sites which events are available in the Cloud which you could share immediately.