Bring it all to live, express yourself to friends, let them know the event, give them the clue, the idea, just tell them what’s going on, what the moment is all about – simply tell them What’s in your mind! All with your Facebook Status Update!
It is as easy and simple as updating it as a Facebook status on your Facebook profile timeline for them to see.
Remember Facebook as a social network is designed classically for social interaction among friends, family, co-workers, colleagues and people you may know.
And making a new Facebook Status update is one way to go about the interaction and then stay connected. It is usually a quick, short and open interpretation.
It could be about what you are doing at the moment, a random observation, what is happening or even a request. Such a Facebook status can initiate a long conversation by a way of comments on the status by your Facebook friends.
Also Read – How To Open A New Facebook Account For FREE.
This happens when the Facebook status update is provocative and awakes interest. It could be a short expression or one point in time idea, but when a status update is gathered, it could say a whole lot about a person.
Because the status update spreads through your friends’ News Feed, a single Facebook update can have a big impact and because it is more likely to be shared by friends, it is one way news spread faster.
Let us look below on how you can update your Facebook status and let friends know what’s in your mind. As long as you can log in to your Facebook account, the steps would help you make your status update.
How To Update Your Facebook Status
To make a new Facebook status on your Facebook wall, follow these steps;
1. Login to your Facebook account. – You can login by visiting the Facebook website and then, enter your Facebook login details; your email address and password.
Having Problem Login Facebook? Read This On How To Sign In Facebook
If you are using Facebook mobile app, and you are already signed in, simply open the app to access your account.
2. Right on your Facebook profile Timeline home page, click in the “What’s On Your Mind” field. This will expand the share box for you to write.
3. Now type in your comment/thought/status.
4. (Optional) Click the person icon in the bottom gray bar of the Share box to tag friends to your post.
Tagging friends is a way of marking people who you are with when you are updating or posting your Facebook status. They are notified of the post as it is linked back to their own Timeline. Once they accept the “Add to Timeline”, the post is automatically added to their Timeline such that their own friends can see too.
5. (Optional) Click the location pin icon to add a location.
If you want to add the location you are while making the post, just click on the pin and then start typing the name of the city or place, Facebook tries to autocomplete the name of the place for you. This lets friends know where you are and can bring about adventure.
6. (Optional) Click the smiley face icon to add your feeling, what you are doing or interacting with.
The smiley are there to help you bring the expressions to live. You can add details to your status, about what you are listening, watching, reading and what you are feeling.
7. (Optional) Click the audience menu in the bottom-right corner to change who can see your post.
Basic Facebook Privacy Settings – That Lets You Choose Who Sees Your Post
You have the option of selecting who sees your Facebook status update. There are various options to choose from; Public, Friends, Friends Except Acquaintances, Only Me, and Custom.
Whatever you select will be saved for your next status update.
8. Finally click “Post”.
Alternative Facebook Status Update Steps.
May be you just want to make it all quick and snappy, and does not want to go through tagging of friends, adding location and all that. You can simply make your Facebook update following this simple approach;
1. Sign in your Facebook Account.
2. Click in the Share box
3. Type your status
4. Click “Post”
This simple steps and guide on Facebook Status update will help you update you status any time of your choice. do share this post to enlighten friends.