Things You Should Never Tolerate In a Relationship – When two share a significant connection, such an emotional friendship comes with its own positive and negative sides. While it is usually meant to be enjoyed freely by both persons involved, sometimes individual differences play along side.
Whatever the difference, some are tolerable while some are totally not tolerable. On this bases, we have decided to highlight some of the few things one should never tolerate from a partner.
And do not ever think you can change one who constantly shows off any of the features or behaviors mentioned in here. Notice they will always do same thing over and over even after they have said sorry and promised not to repeat.
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It simply means that is who they are, and you can not change them. Thus, in order to have a successful relationship, there are things you should never tolerate in a relationship. And we are going to look at them below;
This should be the bases of relationship between two partners. They have to be emotionally and physically connected, even otherwise. If your partner is not connected to you, there is no relationship at all.
The questions is, what are you doing with someone who does not love you and who cannot show they love? Your partner is meant to love you and show it. They are meant to care, and this is where it all begins. If they do not love you, then do not tolerate it.
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In a relationship, you and your partner are meant to support each other in all areas of life, and that includes your partners dream and goal. You must support your partner in any way you could, to enable him or her reach his/her dream goal.
To have a successful relationship, you do not have to tolerate someone who do not believe and support you dream, but instead gets jealous of your success.
One of the things you should never tolerate in a relationship is one who uses disrespectful languages and words.
A partner who truly and sincerely loves you, minds the language, choice of words and names they address each other with. Even during a heated argument, they still watch their words.
A partner who uses disrespectful and abusive language should not be tolerated.
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If you are not in his or her priority, then it is a big NO! You must see and treat each other like a queen or king. One who does not consider you or put you first among other things, is not suppose to be your partner.
Your partner should prioritize you over things, he or she has to consider you first, he or she has to consult you and seek your opinion over things. Do not tolerate a partner who does not consider you first or who makes you feel less.
If he or she loves you and cares about you, he or she listens to you. He or she wants to hear you out, he or she pays attention. But if he or she makes you feel like your opinion does not matter, then think it twice.
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Never tolerate a partner who does not pay attention to hear you out on matters.
Does s/he appear authoritative all the time, unnecessarily possessive and want to cage you all the time even against your personal course. Then there is need not to tolerate such a person.
Relationship are meant to be enjoyed freely, so if s/he tends to control you all the time, making you feel like you are in a prison, then do not tolerate such person as a partner.
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This is one the concrete elements of relationship. If it is lacking, then there suppose not to be a relationship in the first place.
You must learn to trust, and respect the trust for each other. There is no need tolerating a partner who doesn’t trust you, or a partner who is not trustworthy.
And that is it! Hope this article on Things You Should Never Tolerate In a Relationship was found helpful. Do share this on your social media platform and also, make your contributions using the comment box below.
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