How To Remove Phone Number From Facebook – Facebook is one social network which requires most of your basic information especially at the point of creating account, and that includes your phone number.
Unfortunately, some people who added their phone number to their Facebook profile, end up getting unsolicited calls from strangers who come across the phone number on Facebook.
This has posed a challenge to many, and very unfortunate, some of them do not know they can remover their phone number from their Facebook profile, and some who know it is possible to remove, do not know much on how to remove phone number from Facebook account.
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This singular problem or challenge has prompted this very article to show you in real sense with pictures guide on how to remove your phone number from your Facebook profile.
Without wasting time, let us look the guide and steps to remove your phone number from Facebook.
How To Remove Phone Number From Facebook
1. Login your Facebook account
2. Click on the small arrow (which points down at the far top right corner of your Facebook home page)
3. From the list of drop down options, Click on “Settings”, and a new page opens.
4. Look very well to see “Contact”, then click on “Edit” which is just opposite but in line with “Contact”. This will bring out the option of adding another email or phone number which reads “Add another email or mobile number”
5. At this point, remove your phone number and add your email address. By this you have removed your phone number which used to be there.
NOTE: If you really don’t want people to disturb you by picking your phone number from Facebook and calling you, then follow the above steps to remove your phone number from your Facebook account. Or alternatively look up for Facebook privacy settings to set who can see your phone number on Facebook. And you can actually set it such that only you can see your phone number.
Check No4 Of This Facebook Privacy Settings I Have Provided Here To See How To Hide Phone Number
Hope this article on how to remove phone number from Facebook is of help? Please do share this on your social media to enlighten others; Share on your Facebook, Twitter, Google + accounts.
How To Remove Phone Number From Facebook