Professional Way to Calculate CGPA Grading System

Professional Way to Calculate CGPA Grading System

Way to Calculate CGPA Grading System: Before venturing into showing you how to calculate CGPA, it is pertinent to first understand what the term means.

The CGPA or the Cumulative Grade Point Average is the average of Grade Point that you got in all of your subjects excluding the 6th additional subject.

Sound easy right?? It has been around since 2011 and students have gotten pretty used to it. Nevertheless, there is one significant fact that you need to remember – CGPA and percentages are different things.

They’re not the same, so don’t confuse them! There is a different method to calculate your percentage. In order to calculate your percentage, you will have to multiply your CGPA with 9.5. Now it is time to learn how to calculate CGPA in Nigerian Universities.

How to Calculate CGPA in Nigeria?

Having understood what CGPA means it is time to show you how to calculate it. To calculate your CGPA, what would be needed is the Credit Units of each course. You also need your grade points for each of the five subjects.

For faster method of calculating we will remind you about the scaling in Nigerian Universities: – The mark of 70% and above equals the letter grade of A or 5.00 Grade Points.

– The mark of 70% and above equals the letter grade of A or 5.00 Grade Points

  • The mark of 60-69% equals the letter grade of B or 54.00 Grade Points
  • The mark of 50-59% equals the letter grade of C or 3.00 Grade Points.
  • The mark of 45-49% equals the letter grade of D or 2.00 Grade Points.
  • The mark of 40-44% equals the letter grade of E or 1.00 Grade Points.
  • The mark of 0-39% equals the letter grade of F or 0.00 Grade Points.

At this stage, you would have to calculate Quality Point (QP). To achieve this, multiply the number of Credit Units by your Grade Points for the course.

For instance, if a course has four credit units, and you had the mark of 72% that is synonymous to 5 Grade Points. The Quality Point for this course will be 4 x 5 = 20.

In order to get your Cumulative Grade Point Average, you need to add the Total Quality Points for all semesters to date and divide the sum by the Overall Credit Units (TCU) for all semesters to date.

For instance, maybe you had 56 Quality Point for 18 Credit Units in your first semester, and then you studied harder and got 67 Quality Point for 20 Credit Units in the second.

Your CGPA will be (56 + 67) / (18 + 20) = 123/38 =3.24am sure you understood the process now because it’s simple -this formula will help you. You can do it on your own now.

How to Build  Your CGPA

– Evaluate Where You Are:

The first step is to assess where you are in your career, and if there’s enough time to build your grade point average, which is sure.

If you’re a fresher, for example, and you just fell a little behind during your first year probably due to the fact that you got carried away with the euphoria of being a freshman, you still have plenty of time to hit the books and earn some stellar grades.

If you’re about to head into your year three out of four, however, you may need to explore other options, such as enrolling for extra classes and tutorials.

Recommended: Postgraduate Grading System in Nigeria

– Know What Went Wrong:

This is perhaps the most essential part of your plan. Find out what went; did you earn poor marks because you were distracted by friends, extracurricular activities, or personal issues?

Was finding the right study techniques an issue? Or did you really struggle with the materials?
Once you’ve recognized why you had a poor grade in school, you can take steps to address it.

If you couldn’t juggle all of your commitments, you’ll need to readjust your schedule. If you had a hard time studying, get advice on how to improve those skills. And if there was one particular course that really proved hard, consider seeking out a tutor to get you back on track.

After evaluating yourself and getting ready with the determination to pick up the baton and run the race as you opt to get your CGPA back on track, then you need to follow the following procedures, then sit back and watch as your CGPA climbs up the stairs.

– Start Attending Lectures Regularly:

This is mind-numbingly obvious but it’s important to mention. Though some lecturers teach directly from PowerPoint and find a means to get the slides within the reach of the students.

This makes it tempting for students to skip class; they just download the lecture slides and learn the materials on their own.

You might probably get away with this in easy courses; you’ll face problems in challenging ones. By skipping class, you miss out on a few important things: Detailed oral explanations from the lecturer which are keys to understanding the material

The chance to ask questions and listen to the questions of other students and the answers Announcements and assignments
Opportunities for extra marks e.g Attendance. It sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s too important to not mention.

Skipping class can make you look bad in the eyes of your lecturer especially if it’s a small class and the lecturer knows most of his students.

Since grades are somewhat subjective, it’s a good idea to avoid irritating the person who will be handing out the marks. If attendance is an issue, you could be stuck with a B versus the A- you deserve.

– Position and Organise Yourself :

If you don’t have a study technique, you can burn midnight candles and make bulbs explode all in the name of reading and still not get anywhere.

The only sure way to make the most of your reading is to employ a study strategy that complements your schedule and learning style.

The sooner you can get started on your assignments, the better. Try keeping a list of proven information sources, web apps, and other dependable resources so that you can find something the second you need it. The saved time can be used to study, chill round or just sleep.

– Start a Weekend Study Review:

A very common practice that leads to a problem students encounter is trying to read an enormous amount of material right before the exam.

This is practically impossible or rather possible but not practicable when you are on a mission to boost your GP. You’ll find it much easier if you take a gradual approach to study.

Get settled once a week, preferably weekend; review your notes starting from the beginning of the course. Not necessarily extensive reading, just something like a run-through.

This should not take more than 15 minutes, just enough time to build familiarity with the material. By doing this weekly, you’ll gradually memorize everything without cramming and will better understand how one concept builds on the next.

Putting in small amounts of effort on a consistent basis will drastically reduce the amount of studying you need to do right before the exam.

– Familiarize Yourself With Smart Students With Higher GPA:

Actually, no one wants to get stuck within a bunch of slackers and riff-Raff. In courses that involve group work, this is very essential. The quality of learning is directly proportional to the qualities of the people you work with.

Working with brilliant people will facilitate educationally healthy discussion. The best way to understand an idea is by talking about it with other intelligent people.

You’re bound to make lots of friends in school. If you can, try not to make friends with someone whose GPA is something related to yours, both of you will merely spend most time consoling each other.

Rather, spend some time with a study buddy who has a high GPA. Such will be able to help you out when you struggle and may prove to be a good influence should you feel the urge to slack.

– Library is A Place Of Study – Make Use of It:

Dorm rooms aren’t the best place to study if you have been doing so. Its way too easy to get distracted by roommates and visitors who will never stop displaying their characteristics.

Your study time can be more productive if you use your school’s library or a similar facility. Every time you enter that building, your mind will switch into reading mode and stay there until you decide to leave.

– Pray to God :

Now is the most important part, you need to pray. As simple as it sounds but you need divine help to remember all you’ve read. So make praying a habit.

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