Jamb 2017 Exams Registration | Top Secret To Score Above 300 In JAMB 2017 Exams exercise

Jamb 2017 Exams Registration | Top Secret To Score  Above 300 In JAMB 2017 Exams

Today we will be looking at the top secrets to writing the Jamb 2017 exams and come out with flying colors. We have taken time to discover and study about this top secret and found that it works very efficiently. This means that applying these secret helps you excel in your Jamb 2017 exams. It has helped many candidates score above 300 in Jamb UTME test.

Following this top secret can actually fetch you the score and success you desire. Remember, to succeed in anything you do, you must firstly discover how it works, discover the secret behind it, the rules and principle guiding the event. Thus know this secret we have presented below, study them and discover the principle and rules. Follow them diligently, and the sky will be your starting point in passing your Jamb 2017 exams.

Before we go directly to look at these top secret, let’s quickly highlight the challenges you may face in this coming Jamb 2017 exams, as it will better equip you and help you understand more about everything you need to pass. Before now, you may have know that in your Jamb 2017 exams, you will be making use of CBT (Computer Based Test) and as such you are likely gong to encounter some challenges in Jamb CBT.

These challenges can completely harm your success in the Jamb 2017 exams. What could these challenges be?

Challenges of Jamb CBT | How To Pass Jamb 2017 Exams – Top Secret.

Here are some of the challenges you may likely encounter with the Jamb CBT while writing your Jamb 2017 exams;

1. System Error :This system error includes such situation where you computer malfunctions. The system may suddenly hang and stop working, or it may just go off.

2. Error from Jamb: This involves such error that associates with JAMB, in which case you may have written very well with your system, and still score less than you should.  It is usually Jamb back-end error.

3. Human Error: This error is usually associated with the candidates. And this is the worse of it all. When such error occurs, calls the attention of the JAMB officials immediately to correct such errors.

Let us now look at the top secret and principles to pass JAMB 2017 Exams.

JAMB Warns Students On JAMB Registration Form

How To Overcome JAMB CBT Challenges | How To Score Above 300 In JAMB 2017 Exams – Basic Principles.

1. Follow JAMB CBT Registration Instructions

This is one of the basic principles and guides. You must ensure you follow and obey all the instructions guiding the JAMB CBT registration. Ensure you enter and fill in every necessary details and fill them correctly.

2.Proper  Preparation

There is a popular saying that if you do not prepare to succeed, automatically you have prepared to fail by default. Take out time to study the jamb past questions, interaction with your fellow student and attend JAMB lessons. When you are fully prepared nothing will take you by surprise. So prepare and see yourself pass the Jamb 2017 exams with flying color.

Also Read – How To Remember Everything You Read In The Exam Hall

3. Attempt Questions In Seconds

One thing to bear in mind while writing the JAMB 2017 exams is that you do not have all the time to yourself. Again, this is one reason you should have prepared very well. You have limited time to answer all the question, thus, attempt all question in seconds. Speed is everything, be smart and time conscious, ensure you answer each question as fast as you can – but maintain accuracy!

4. Solve First The Subjects And Qustions You know Best

Do not go wasting your time! In attempting, answering and solving JAMB CBT exams, make sure you start with the subjects you know very well, the subject you are very good in. And in solving this particular subject, ensure you attempt and answer first those questions you best – don’t waste much of your time on the ones that proves difficult, you can always come back to them after you have solves the most easiest ones for you.

5. Asking Question

To be on the safe side, ask questions to whatever you do not understand. But while examination is on-going in the exam hall, avoid asking fellow candidates questions. Rather call the attention of JAMB officials or the supervisors whenever you need answer or solution to anything that confuses.

5. Be In Your Center Early

Candidates make mistake of going to their center late. This singular mistake has made many loss out of the exercise. Please ensure you visit your exam centre as early as possible, go in time as to avoid uncertainties of road traffic and all that. Go in time and get acquainted with the environment before exams start

6. Cross Check Your Materials

Just like every other jamb exams, in the Jamb 2017 exams, you will be presented with exam materials, please ensure you test them all to see they are working well. Test your keyboard, your mouse, your calculator and more, make sure they all are in good working condition.

7. Be Smart And Attempt All Questions

Be smart and attempt all questions, even as you may not have the answers to all the questions, but you can still makes something from questions you do not know correctly, who knows you may make small sense that could fetch you a mark. Simply be smart!

8. Avoid Cheating

Cheating in the exam hall has left many with many untold disappointment. It can result to cancellation of your work and result, or even subtraction of marks. So avoid copying and any other form of “expo”

9. Make Use Of The JAMB CBT Practice Software

Get familiar with what and how the Jamb 2017 exams will look like, by downloading the Jamb CBT practice software, and practicing with the software.

10. Cross Check Your Works Before You Click The submit Button

Remember we talked about human error above. This is one mistake that candidates make. Human error is inevitable, as a result of this, you may have answered wrongly the some questions you know their answers very well.  Please make out time to go through your work and answers again to cross check them, and ensure they are the intended answers. This definitely boosts your success in exams and sure will in this Jamb 2017 exams exercise.

Remember prayer is the master key, always pray as well!

www.fanslite.com is always here to provide you all the information and guide you need to make success your JAMB UTME Examination. Always check here for latest updates on JAMB Examination, JAMB registration and general information regarding the Board.

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