Instagram Account – How to Increase Your Instagram Followers – Get Over 1 Million Followers

Instagram Account – How to Increase Your Instagram Followers – Get Over 1 Million Followers: Instagram is now a marketplace rather than just a social media platform. Since the acquisition of Instagram by Facebook, there have been rapid improvements in the Insta platform.

Aside from having a brand, Instagram can make you become a brand and this is why having lots of followers is important. Unlike Facebook, you have lots and lots of high profile individuals on Instagram. Including:

  • Entertainers
  • Politicians
  • Businessmen and women

Aside from Twitter and Snapchat, Celebrities take advantage of this platform to reach their audience. You see a lot of them getting millions of followers organically.

It’s true they are public figures and very popular in society but don’t be deceived, you can also have more than 1 million followers on Instagram both for your brand and for yourself. This is what I mean when I say you can become a brand on Instagram having lots of followers and building your profile.

The Secret Behind Getting Over 1 Million Followers on Instagram

I wasn’t so into Instagram but several months ago when I was curious about expanding my social media presence, I met with a friend who has an ever increasing presence on Instagram and he introduced me to this awesome idea am about to share it with you.

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First, download and install the app called “INSTAFOLLOW”. This app helps you manage your Instagram account with ease. It gives you an idea about people following you and those who you follow but are not returning the favor. Everyone get excited when they are being followed back on Instagram because they don’t want to feel cheated.

Summary – Instafollow helps you keep a track of your followers on Instagram by:

  • Assisting you with post optimization
  • Knowing who unfollowed you
  • Showing who is not following you back
  • Showing who you aren’t following back

Now am sure you understand how this app works, I can tell you how to use it.

See Also: Facebook Followers – How to Increase Your Facebook Fan Page Followers In 2019

Growing Your Instagram Followers

This is how it is done:

  • Target periods on Instagram when people are most active and post a lot (Can be done every day)
  • Look out for posts that are at least an hour fresh
  • Even if you do not know the person who posted, just like the post

That’s not all.

You can even choose posts that are at least 30 or 20 minutes fresh and this is because the person who posted may still be online. When you like their post, even without knowing them in person, they get forced to check you out and can decide to follow you. Or better still after liking what they posted, you can follow them. Since they are online, they can easily return the favor.

If they do not follow you back, don’t get angry just be patient but give them at least a week to follow you back but if they don’t, get on your Instafollow app and track those you followed who did not follow you back then, unfollow them.

Anytime you follow someone and the person didn’t follow you back, use this pattern. It will increase your followers and give you an edge to becoming one of the hot shots on Instagram leaving your friends wondering how you’re doing it.