How to Use Unripe Plantain to Cure Ulcer

If you are having ulcer, then you need to learn how to use unripe plantain to cure ulcer. The anti-ulcerogenic activity of the unripe plantain has been linked to its ability to stimulate the growth of gastric mucosa which are eroded during ulcer incidence.

This anti-ulcer property of unripe plantain is what a lot of people have been wanting to know. And this is, how unripe plantain can help to treat stomach ulcer.

In this article, we are going to explain to you everything you need to know on how to use unripe plantain to cure ulcer. We are going to give you the whole step by step guide to prepare this unripe plantain for ulcer treatment.
So read everything below.


Unripe Plantain for Ulcer Treatment

Unripe plantain has ability to cover the wounds in the stomach and intestine caused by ulcer, and this is by stimulating the growth of gastric mucosa – something some drugs are not able to do to help an ulcer patient recover from ulcer illness.

Before we share the steps below on how to use unripe plantain to cure ulcer, let us first of all have a proper understanding of what ulcer is all and the possible symptoms associated with stomach ulcer or gastric ulcer.


What Is Ulcer – Stomach Ulcer or Gastric Ulcer?

Stomach ulcer or peptic ulcer is a health condition where there is the erosion of the walls of the stomach and the first part of the small intestine. The erosion of this inner linings of the stomach by certain factors, is what is referred to as ulcer.

I know you will be asking now, what causes ulcer – the erosion of the walls of the stomach?

The common cause of ulcer is, bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori)

This is one of the normal microflora of the human body, which means, the live in the body of human in the mucus membrane covering the linings of the stomach without causing any harm normally.

This bacteria becomes a problem when there is change in the normal environment leading to inflammation in the stomach linings. When this inflammation occurs and left untreated, it progresses leading to a peptic ulcer.

This why ulcer medications will work by inhibiting the abnormal growth of this H. Pylori while helping the linings of the stomach to heal and recover from inflammation which causes even pains to the ulcer patient.

Now that you have a knowledge of ulcer and what causes it, you will better understand more clearly some of the myths about ulcer – and how certain things people feel cause ulcer are in true sense do not cause ulcer.

For instance, ulcer is not caused by emotional stress, spicy foods and all that; But when there is already ulcer incidence, some of these things can irritate the ulcer. However, they are not the cause of the ulcer themselves.

To help you understand more better, imagine when you have an injury, and you apply salt to it, what happens? It causes you more pain. It worsens the pains from the injury – does it mean the salt is the cause of the injury or wound? No! Instead, it irritates the injury or would, and that same thing that happens in the case of ulcer and some of these things people think cause ulcer, and that is why when you have ulcer they tell you to avoid them, not because they cause ulcer themselves, but irritate and worsens the condition.

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Other Factors that Can Aid The Cause of Ulcer

1. The Bacteria H. Pylori

2. Family history

3. Heavy Alcohol consumption

4. Too much smoking

5. Chronic use of NSAIDS such as Ibuprofen, Felvin, Diclofenac and others.


Signs And Symptoms Of Peptic Ulcer Condition

1. Epigastric tenderness – It usually starts in the upper Gastro-intestinal system.

2. Abdominal Pressure Sensation

3. Abnormal hunger or fullness

4. Dyspepsia (Heartburn)

5. Hyperactive bowel sound initially

6. Vomiting

7. Duodenal Ulcer pain

8. Gastric ulcer pain


How to Use Unripe Plantain to Cure Ulcer

1. Get 8 – 10 unripe plantain

2. Pill the unripe plantain

3. Wash the pilled unripe plantain

4. Cut them into pieces – say 5 mm. This will increase the surface area and allow faster fermentation.

5. Now, pour all the pieces you have cut into a container.

6. Fill a 5 liter gallon of clean water and pour the whole water into the container where you have poured the pieces unripe plantain.

7. Cover the container (now containing the pieces of unripe plantain and the water)

8. Store in a cool place for 3 days.

9. After 3 days, filter the water, and pour inside the gallon from where you will be taking the water.

10. Take it twice a day; morning and night before meal using standard glass cup.

11. Take this for two to three weeks, after which you go for medical test.

But before the test, you would have observed the positive impact in your body as the ulcer is taken care off.


How to Take Unripe Plantain for Ulcer Treatment

Every morning, before meal, use a standard glass cup of at least 30ml to collect the water you have filtered from the unripe plantain concussion and take it. Do same thing in the evening.

This is means you can take this twice a day, morning and night. You can decide to take it three times a day. But make sure you take this therapy for two to three weeks.


Frequently Asked Questions About Ulcer Treatment With Unripe Plantain


Can Unripe Plantain Cure Ulcer?

To give a direct answer to this, Yes! Unripe plantain has anti-ulcer properties which has made it possible in its use for the treatment of ulcer illness. Follow the method and guide above to prepare this concussion and take it accordingly for the expected result.

How Long Can Unripe Plantain Cure Ulcer?

As much as body response to treatment differs and intensity of sickness differs at any point in time, the ideal period for this unripe plantain treatment for ulcer is 2 weeks to 3weeks.

Thus, ensure that you take this morning and night 2 to 3 weeks.

How to prepare unripe plantain to cure ulcer

Take a look at the section “How to Use Unripe Plantain to Cure Ulcer”. In that section, we explained every steps on how to prepare this unripe plantain treatment; starting from pilling the unripe plantain to finishing which is the actual taking of the treatment.

Read through the whole piece to understand each point very well. And that’s it on how to use unripe plantain to cure ulcer illness. It is easy to prepare, and you will start seeing result with few days of taking the treatment.



This is for information purposes, and should not be regarded as a expert medical advice, and we do not in any way condemn modern science and its medical approach to ulcer treatment.

The information here is only a way of improving self-therapy by the use of natural herbs as an alternative medicine.

Contact your medical Doctor or physician for all medical assistance, advice and treatment.