How to Share your Amazon Prime Membership

How to Share your Amazon Prime Membership

How to share your Amazon Prime Membership. The subscription service on Amazon is known as Amazon Prime It includes fast Prime Video streaming, free delivery, Amazon Music advertisements, and much more.

With this subscription service, you will be able to share your membership with one other adult and up to four children at no extra cost.

How to share your Amazon Prime Membership

If you intend to share your membership on Amazon, not every benefit of Amazon Prime can be shared, including Prime Music. Amazon Prime has a few restrictions, which means the receiver won’t be able to get the full package of features.

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Well, most things can, though, including Prime Video, Prime Early Access, Prime Reading, Prime Wardrobe, and certain Amazon family benefits, which we’ll explain below. During sales events, sharing Amazon Prime can be very useful, such as Prime Day, which is on October 11-12, 2022. (it’s called the Prime Early Access sale this time around).

How does Amazon know who’s in my family?

Amazon can’t tell who is in your family. You choose this yourself in the Amazon Household section of your Amazon account. This is because you are required to share the same payment method with a second adult in the same household and any children – it discourages different households from trying to split the cost of Prime, as you might with a Netflix subscription.

You can only do that if you trust the other adult to pay you back for whatever they spend. This does not apply to buying physical items from Amazon: each person sharing a prime subscription can use any payment method. Moreover, for things like rented or purchased methods. Moreover, for things like renting or purchasing videos on Amazon Prime Video and other digital goods, the single, shared payment method will be used.

When you have set up a household, your family can access a whole range of benefits, including Prime Video, which allows you to set up various user profiles (just like Netflix). However, you can’t share benefits if you’re a prime student, a prime video-only user, or a guest of a prime member. You can get a 30-day free Amazon Prime trial now if you haven’t signed up yet.

How to Share Prime using Amazon Household

Let’s just say that you have already signed up for Amazon Prime and you want to share the membership with someone and up to four of your children. Everything you need to do will be listed below:

  • Visit their website in your country and sign in with the Web browser of your choice.
  • Then, click on Account & List to the right of the search bar. Next, click on Your Prime Membership from the list, or click on Prime – View benefits and payment settings (as shown below) to be taken to a new page that shows the benefits you’re entitled to with your prime membership. These will vary depending on your region.
  • Scroll down to the bottom and you should see a section that says “Share your Prime benefits.” Click the button marked “Invite someone now.”
  • Now, enter the name and email address of the person you would like to share your prime account with.
  • Then, you’ll have to authorize the person you’re sharing your benefits with to use the payment card linked to your prime account. This means that both adults within the Amazon household will be able to use the same payment details.
  • The invitee will receive the invitation via email.

That is all you have to do in order to share Prim using Amazon Household. The receiver will see the invitation confirmation and more information about the shareable benefits. Keep reading to find out below.

Which prime benefits can you share?

The second adult using your Amazon Prime account will get access to many, but not all, of the benefits of Amazon Prime. Kids don’t get these benefits, except indirectly. For instance, they can watch Prime Video and have their own user profile, but they’ll still have to log into the app with their Amazon account.

These are the benefits receivers can get:


  • Prime Delivery
  • Prime Now
  • Amazon Fresh


  • Prime Video streaming
  • Prime Reading
  • You can also share digital content like apps, eBooks, games, and other media.

Discount / Exclusives

  • Access to lightning deals.
  • Try before you buy.
  • Prime-exclusive items
  • Discounts on Amazon Music, Kids +
  • Amazon family benefits such as 20% off nappies/ diapers and baby food subscriptions

Invitees will not be able to share benefits like Kindle First, and Twitch Prime, or be able to invite more people to prime.

Commonly Asked Questions
Can I share my Amazon Prime account with someone else?

Prime members can share certain benefits with the other adults in their Amazon household. To be able to share Prime benefits and digital content between adults, both adults must link their accounts through Amazon Household and agree to share payment methods.

Is there a way to share Amazon Prime with family members?

You can create an Amazon Household to share Prime benefits and a Family Library with another adult, up to four teens and up to four children. To Begin Building Your Amazon Household: Go to

Can you have multiple users on Amazon Prime?

On Amazon Prime, you can have up to six user profiles (the default primary profile plus up to five additional profiles, which can be either adult or kid’s profiles) within Prime Video on a single Amazon account.

How many people can I share Amazon Prime with?

An Amazon household can contain the following members: Up to two adults (aged 18 and over), each with their own Amazon account. Up to four teens (ages 13 through 17) Teenagers can have their own Amazon login to shop or stream content while still keeping their parents informed.