How to Say “Happy New Year” in Other Languages
Do you have friends who do not understand English and you want to wish them a happy new year their language or do you want to do something different for the new year? why not check out this our article on happy new year in other languages?
New year comes with excitement that cannot be traded for anything, we believe you too stay awake watching your wall clock for when it gest to twelve midnight so you can reach out to your family, friends, and loved ones.
It is of a truth that English has been accepted to be the official language in some countries of the world, what of the other countries that have another language as their official language and not English. Communication with such people could get frustrating at times.
Of course, either of you would have to make some adjustments and learn a few terms in your languages such as to ease communication, if you must make these adjustments, you sure would have to begin from simple salutations and grow from there.
The salutations in question are beyond the morning, afternoon evening, welcome, or even goodbye greetings, it also includes a happy new month, week, and year salutations, this happy new year in other languages will offer great help, read on.
Below is how to wish your non-English friends a Happy New year in their indigenous language.
They will appreciate the effort.
Spoiler alert; most of these translations could twist your tongue beyond your imagination, don’t worry; you’ve got this. Let us begin the translation with Hebrew, Spanish, and Chinese language.
Happy New year in Hebrew
Happy new year in Hebrew is: “Shanah Tovah”
below is a quick video that shows how it is pronounced.
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Happy New year in Spanish
Happy new year in Espanol is: Feliz Año Nuevo(feh-LEES AHN-yo nwAY-voh)
See how it’s said below.
Happy New Year in Chinese
The most popular new year greeting in Chinese is ‘New Year goodness!’
新年好 / 新年好 (Xīnnián hǎo)
- In Mandarin: /sshin-nyen haoww/
- In Cantonese: /sen-nin haow/
Happy New year in Other Languages
Here are ways to say “Happy New Year” in such languages as Hebrew, Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin), Bengali, Hebrew, French, Korean, Vietnamese, and more. See the image below.
This is where we wrap it up on happy new in other languages, trust you had a good time learning, do well to visit us more often and please, SHARE.
That is all about How to Say “Happy New Year” in Other Languages