How to Make Sales Using Facebook Messenger– Facebook Marketing – Facebook Messenger offers an instant messaging module for Facebook users. It connects you with your friends, and generates quick sales, easy conversations, without having to go on a friend’s wall to post your product.
It is recently that Facebook opened this section of its platform up to businesses. This means that companies can get sponsored content on there, sell their products and potentially post ads or even generate bots to interact with customers.
Facebook Messenger app has become rather successful, considering so many people hang out on Facebook all day, yet they still want a way to have a private conversation with their friends.
Seeing as companies can now sell on Facebook Messenger, it’s worth looking into a new Shopify feature that integrates directly into the Messenger.
The Skinny
The whole point of the new Shopify integration is to create personalized conversations with your customers through Facebook. It works similar to a Shopify app, yet it’s actually considered a built-in feature.
What’s cool is that you don’t have to open up a completely new customer service module for this. All of the communications go directly through your Shopify dashboard, almost serving as a new form of live chat, except in one of the most popular websites of our time.
How Shopify Facebook Messenger Works
The first great example of how Shopify Facebook Messenger works is when someone comes to your store to make a purchase. Before they decide to pull the trigger they can ask you any questions they want. It works very similarly to any customer support chat box you would place on your own website.
After the transaction has been completed, the customer receives automated order tracking and shipping updates without having to look at their email accounts. An instantaneous message shoots over to their Messenger, also sending them a notification on the mobile Facebook app.
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Furthermore, all of the communications with each customer consolidate into single threads. Therefore, both you and the customer don’t have to go scrambling around to find past emails or customer support tickets. It’s all brought into the Facebook Messenger feed, minimizing the amount of frustration that tends to occur with customer support communications.
Payments Directly Through the Chat
Considering your conversations with customers are meant to lead to more sales, sending them to your website or to any other page for that matter, seems unnecessary. Therefore, a Buy button can go right into the chat, keeping your customers on Facebook, and preventing them from having to take any additional steps to make the purchase.
The payment processes through the chat for your customer, yet it still runs through your website on the backend. After that, a receipt makes its way to the customer, and they get updates through the chat when shipments are made and delivered.
Browsing Products Through the Messenger
One rather unique aspect of the Shopify/Facebook Messenger is the way users can browse through your products. It almost works similar to a bot, where the person can type in requests, such as “choose color.” After that, the messenger recognizes what they are asking for and delivers it upon request.
They can even flip through your entire product category if they want since all of your images, prices, descriptions and other details are revealed. The cool part is that you don’t even have to be around to make the responses most of the time. If they’re simply looking for standard website information, the bot does the deed for you.
Do You Have to Pay for This Functionality?
Although this could change in the future, the Facebook Messenger tool doesn’t have a price tag when you go through Shopify. Obviously, you must pay for one of the monthly Shopify plans, but that’s to be expected. This strategy may change in the future, but as of now you can signup for an account and find the tool right in your Shopify dashboard.
This ties into the various other built-in social media tools on Shopify. For example, you can already build a shop on places like Facebook and Pinterest, so it makes sense that the Facebook Messenger module comes along with your package as well.
Finally, you don’t have to install an extra app to get the Messenger tool working. Although apps are pretty simple to work with through Shopify, this at least cuts down on some of the time you spend configuring your site.