How to Create a Slideshow Ad from a Facebook Page

How to Create a Slideshow Ad from a Facebook Page – You can actually create a slideshow ad from a Facebook Page. Unlike a slideshow ad created from Ads Manager, you can’t add a video to a slideshow ad from a Facebook Page. Read Details Below.

How to Create a Slideshow Ad from a Facebook Page

  • Use high-quality images for slideshow ads. Your images should be at least 1280 x 720 pixels and have a consistent aspect ratio (16:9, 1:1 or 2:3). If all the images are different sizes, the slideshow is automatically cropped to 1:1.
  • If you’re using music in the slideshow ad, you must have all legal rights necessary to use a song in the ad, either by licensing the song or owning the legal rights to the song. If you bought or downloaded a song or album, you may not be able to use it in the slideshow.

Steps to creating a slideshow ad from a Facebook Page

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  1. Go to a Facebook Page you manage.
  2. Click Share a photo or video
  3. In the menu, choose to Create a Slideshow.
  4. In the window that appears, click Add Photos to upload 3 to 10 images. After you upload, stills from the asset appear in the window.
  5. Update settings for the slideshow ad:
  • Aspect Ratio: Choose the aspect ratio for the slideshow. Let the first image in the slideshow determine the ratio, or set it to square (1:1), rectangle (16:9) or vertical (2:3).
  • Image Duration: Choose how long you’d like to show each image in the slideshow. Slideshows can’t be longer than 15 seconds, so the duration options will change depending on how many images you’d like to use.
  • Transition: Choose None or Fade to customize how the slideshow switches from one image to the next.

6.  (Optional) Click Music to upload music for the slideshow. Slideshow supports WAV, MP3, M4A, FLAC, and OGG formats. If you don’t have music, you can choose from a set of available tracks in the tool.
7.  (Optional) Click Edit Photo to add a caption, choose a font or change the size and positioning of the text in the slideshow and then click Save.
8.  Click Create Slideshow. The Facebook Page begins processing the slideshow and notifies you when it’s finished, which may take up to 2 minutes.
9.  Enter a message for your post to accompany the slideshow ad.
10.  Click Boost Post and choose your audience, budget, and duration.
11.  Click Set Budget to complete the order.
12.  Click Publish when you’re ready.

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