How to Block Someone on Facebook Permanently – Procedure

How to Block Someone on Facebook Permanently – Procedure

How to block someone on Facebook permanently is what you will be learning here, maybe you want to unfriend someone on Facebook or you want to permanently block someone on Facebook messenger, whichever one you want, this page has a lot to tell you about that.

Meanwhile, am glad you’ve known that there are annoying contacts online, just like you have offline. More so, some people which you added as your contacts may become your enemy tomorrow, and thank God, Facebook was aware of this and that was why she included how to permanently block someone on Facebook from the onset.

But whether it is on Messenger, blocking someone on Facebook page, Facebook group etc. There are so many of the features and trust me it is easy to do. So like I said, you will be learning how to do that here.

What is blocking on Facebook?

Blocking someone on Facebook means to keep someone temporary or permanently away from your timeline. When you block someone on Block Someone on Facebook Permanently, that person will no longer be able to tag you in his post or see anything which you post on timeline, however, the person will still be appear as one of your contacts.

The Difference between Blacking and Unfriending

Right now, if you must know, blocking someone, page or group on Facebook; especially to block a person means a different thing from unfriending such a person. Unfriending is another feature, it means a different thing.

What is Unfriending Someone on Facebook?

This means to remove the person from your contact and If you unfriend someone, you’ll also be removed from that person’s friends list. However, if you want to be friends with this person again, you’ll need to add them as a friend again.

How to Block Someone on Facebook Permanently

To hide someone on Facebook is very easy to do, so here is how to go about it:

  • Open your Facebook account; make sure you sign in using the web so as to see all the features.
  • Go to the top right hand side of your Facebook and click on the gear setting icon, choose settings afterwards
  • Click on blocking, this option is located at the left hand side of the menu list
  • In the block user section, insert the name of the person or persons which you will like to block
  • Click on block afterwards and wait to initiate.

What Happens When You I Someone on Facebook Permanently?

  • Once you block someone on Facebook, that person automatically stop being your Facebook friend and now, you will have to send the person a friend request should in case you want to undo this
  • Such person will not know that you blocked him or her

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Facebook Customer Service

After I block someone on Facebook, what can I See about the person?

Am sure you will like to know all the repercussion about blocking a person before you proceed to block the person, here are the memory you will be left it about the person.

Messages: All the message history or chat with someone you’ve blocked will stay in your inbox. More so, if the blocked person is in the same group with you on Facebook, you may be able to see the messages. Remember, you can leave a conversation that you don’t want to be part of, or delete a conversation that you don’t like.

Multimedia files: All the videos, music or files shared to you by the person will still be there at your inbox.

Mutual Friend story: You will still see the person through a mutual friend

Photos: You may also see photos or tags of your blocked friend when someone in your contacts tags him.

Event: such person will not have the access to invite you to an event

Games and Apps: There are chances that you will still see the person you blocked while you are playing a a game.

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