How to Apply for Bank Statement for Visa Application

How to Apply for Bank Statement for Visa Application

Bank statement is one of the required document for your visa application, applying for a visa requires some criteria which will be disclosing to you on this page. Some countries like UK in particular will like you to forward bank statements with other supporting documents. We will be listing that to you here, however, if you are applying for a Schengen via, you will need to find out all that you need to bring together with the bank statements.

Travelling abroad requires a lot but easy things, things like those documents that you have in around to prove your originality. Aside being able to take care of yourself abroad, most countries like UK, U.S.A, Europe, will like to be sure you don’t become a liability right there in the country, so a lot of documents with you will be checked.

A bank statement however is an open details of your bank transaction, these shows dates of your deposits and withdrawals. For some banks, it also contains contents like the time for each transaction and the persons bio data.

This is part of the travel documents you need in order to gain access into a country. Moreover, you may like to ask, why do I need a bank statement? It is to proof your financial strength. Already, you may not be allowed into some countries (according to their demands) if you don’t proof your sustainability strength over there and the only way to proof that is by showing how far your financial strength is for you in your present country.

Bank Statement Contents

Here are the things you will find in your bank statement:

Deposits: The bank statement contains the owner’s deposits as touching different days, months, years and times. As day passes by and as you make transactions in the bank, the bank keep record of that. The deposit however means, the money you put in the bank.

Withdrawals. This also reveals all your withdrawals, both the one done online, at the ATM stand or inside the bank. Also the ones you withdrew by payments or settlements of bills.

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Dates of Account transaction: The date of each account transaction and time is also included in the statements.

Third Party Withdrawal: This may also show the withdrawals done by the third party. So even when you issued a check for money to be withdrew form your account, such transaction is also shown at the statement

How to Apply for Bank Statement for Visa Application

Here are the information required or needed from a bank statements, you can go through this carefully so as to see what you only needed in a statement for your visa application

  • The full movement of money in and out from your account
  • Bank details within the period of 6 months and more is acceptable
  • The bank statement of account should be collected or issued by a bank
  • The full name of the applicants as it appears on the visa form must be shown on the statements.
  • The original coy of the statement can be printed in an A4 paper.
  • The bank account statement of the applicant should reveal full account history for at least three months before the application
  • Other bank statements should also reveal a little bio of the applicants so as to prove the authencity of the statements
  • For some visa application, you may be asked to forward your statement together with your salary slip or indication of pension.

Supporting Documents

Here are the thing you may be asked to attach together with the bank statement

  • Affidavit of Support: This is an affidavit to proof support of the applicant. An individual can only present this if he or she doesn’t have a bank account or doesn’t he enough money to poof his financial capacity. He can sign an affidavit of support and what this implies is that the third party who he or she is visiting can stand for him or her to fill up that gap
  • Birth Certificate.
  • International passport
  • A recent passport photograph 1050000000