In this post, we will be talking about First Covid-19 Response Act. FFCRA also known as the Families first coronavirus response act which is a platform that requires a certain employer to provide employees with paid sick leave. However, is also provides expanded family medical leave for specified reasons related to Covid-19. The department of labor’s wage and hour division (WHD) administers enforces the new law’s paid leave requirements for most health care workers. Also, the Families First coronavirus response Act provides two weeks up to 80 hours of paid leave at the employees’ regular rate of pay.
First Covid-19 Response Act
Every employee eligible for this leave will be quarantined with under federal, state, or local government order of a health care provider. However, FFCRA medical leave is certain to some public employers and private employers with fewer than 500 employees. Also, most health employees of the federal government are covered by Title II of the family and medical leave ACT. All health employees are eligible for two weeks of paid sick time for specified reasons related to COVID-19. Also, Employees employed for at least 30 days are eligible for up to an additional 10 weeks of paid family leave to care for a child under certain circumstances related to COVID-19.
Qualify reasons for leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act?
Under the FFCRA an employee qualifies for a paid sick time if the employee is unable to work or unable to telework. However, with the pandemic around the world now specific law has been giving out to employees giving a sick leave. Here are a few qualify reasons for the leave;
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It is subjected to a federal, state, or local quarantine or isolation order related to COVID-19.
Must have been advising by a health care provider to self-quarantine relating to COVID-19.
If the employee is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and seeking a medical; diagnosis.
also, If an employee caring for a child in which school or place of care is close for reasons relating to COVID-19.
If a user is experiencing any other substantially similar condition specified by the secretary of health and human services.
Symptoms of COVID-19
For every individual need to stay safe with the deadly virus making a close down for all the countries which are an airborne disease. However, we know that the virus is mainly transmit through droplets. Also, generate when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales. Here are the symptoms of the Covid-19 virus;
Common symptoms;
Dry cough
Some people may experience;
Aches and pains
Nasal congestion
Runny nose
Sore throat
How stay safe from COVID-19?
You need to protect yourself and others around you by knowing the following rules and taking the appropriate precautions. Here are a few steps on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19;
Clean your hands often by using soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.
Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing
Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Cover your nose and mouth with a face mask.
Stay at home
Also, If you have a fever, a cough, and difficulty breathing seek medical attention call in advance.
Follow the directions of your local health authority.
Also, Families First coronavirus Response act allows employees to take leave are to be pay at either their regular rate or the applicable minimum wage. However, with up to $511 per day and $5,110 in aggregate for over 2 weeks.