Earn Money As Uber Driver – How Uber Drivers Get Paid

Earn Money As Uber Driver – Discover how Uber drivers get paid immediately without delay on this page. If you are one of them or intending Uber drivers, this article will help you.

 How Uber Drivers Get Paid

Charges on fares are majorly based on distances and time. From every charge, Uber takes a 25% share. Drivers get paid weekly either on Wednesday or Thursday via direct deposit. You get paid from fares, promotions, reimbursements, and deposits. The driver’s pay duration lasts for 1 week (i.e. from Monday 4 a.m. to the next Monday at 4 a.m.

How to Find Your Pay Statement on Uber

  • Install the app on your mobile device
  • Log in to your account
  • Click Earnings” at the bottom of the page where you will see a summary of your earnings so far for the week
  • Click Total Payout to view your pay statement

Earn Money As Uber Driver

How to Make an Order on Uber

ALSO READ- Uber Account Login

Follow these guides below to make your order now;

  1. On the Uber Platform, select UberX and Click “Schedule a Ride
  2. Choose the date, location, destination and time for your pick up
  3. Click Schedule UberX after you’ve thoroughly gone through your details and confirmed it
  4. Reminders will be sent to you 30 minutes and 24 hours before pick up
  5. You have the option of canceling your pick up before your ride gets on the way.

Also, you can download your Uber App from your Google Play Store or Apple App Store for convenience or using any of the links above that match your preference (Drive Uber or Ride Uber).

However, you can still request an Uber Ride online without using the app. Uber Sign Up is free.

For More information on Uber account, Check out on this: Uber Account Login | Uber Sign Up – www.uber.com

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