DSS Salary Structure – Recruitment Process and Functions
DSS Salary Structure 2020: What do you know about the DSS? Do you have any knowledge of how much they are paid? If you do not, then, would you like to know? If yes, then continue reading this article.
However, it is imperative you know that the State Security Service (SSS), self-styled as the Department of State Services (DSS), is a security agency of Nigeria. And it is one of three successor organizations to the National Security Organization (NSO).
In this article, you will get to learn about how much the officers of DSS collect as salaries on monthly basis. Additionally, you will learn about the recruitment processes. Also, you will read about functions of this organization.
What Do You Know about DSS?
The State Security Service can also be referred to as the Department of State Services (DSS). Also, this body is the main body responsible for intelligence gathering in Nigeria. The DSS is directly controlled by the presidency.
Additionally, the heads are chosen by the office of the President, Federal Republic of Nigeria. Also, its main responsibilities are within the country.
Furthermore, it is headquartered in Abuja. And according to the 1999 Presidential Proclamation, the SSS (or DSS) operates as a department within the presidency. Also, it is under the control of the National Security Adviser.
Other Designated Functions of the DSS
The DSS functions also include protecting all senior government officials. And this includes the governors of the 36 states in Nigeria and the President Federal Republic of Nigeria. When any foreign envoy comes to Nigeria, it is also the duty of the DSS to protect the foreign envoy.
Additionally, they protect Nigeria from any domestic threat. They also uphold and are responsible for enforcing criminal law in Nigeria. Furthermore, both the federal and state governments depend on the DSS for criminal justice services.
Also, the Vice President, the Senate President, the Speaker House of Representatives and other top officials are also protected by the DSS. However, aside from protecting these top government officials, they also protect members of the family of these government officials.
Furthermore, the DSS is responsible for protecting all past presidents and their spouses. If anyone is running for presidency, that person and his vice presidential candidate must be protected by the DSS too. However, this form of protection is not extended to all the candidates.
DSS Salary Structure 2020
According to a reliable source of information, we can authoritatively reveal to you that the Director-General of the DSS receives up to N1.3 million per month. What about the Nigeria SSS salary for the lowest ranks in the SSS?
According to reports, they get at least 50% more money than the same ranks in the Nigerian Police Force. Therefore, if a sergeant in Nigerian police gets about 50,000 Naira per month, then the same sergeant gets about 75,000 Naira per month in DSS.
Reasons for the DSS Salary Structure 2020
Do not think that it is so easy to get such sums of money. Why do DSS operatives get the highest payment? It`s usually connected to the specificity of their job. If you want to be a part of Nigerian DSS salary structure, then you have to train quite a lot.
All candidates will have no choice than to go through a series of tests. This also includes physical test, where you can show that you are physically fit for the service. Another criterion to become a DSS member and get DSS salary is to be mentally fit.
Also, the DSS operatives have to go through a lot of tension in the course of their job. Therefore, people who can`t handle working under constant pressure are not ready to become DSS members. It`s a great responsibility to be an DSS operative.
The DSS Recruitment Application
The DSS can decide to recruit people at just anytime. Those who are shortlisted for employment will be taken through several tests. And they will be given considerably intensive training. The trainings can go on for as long as 6 months or more.
Before anyone can be counted as qualified for employment, the individual must possess minimum of WAEC or NECO certificates. They also employ higher institution graduates if the individuals have relevant degrees and qualifications.
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Some Achievement and Failures of the DSS
Over the years, the DSS had been involved in several activities across Nigeria. For one, they arrested Omar Mohammed Ali Rezaq. He was an Egyptian bomber. Omar was arrested in 1993 when he was attempting to gain entry into Nigeria via the Nigeria-Benin Republic border.
Aside from the above, the DSS also has other recorded successes. However, they have also failed in some instances.
For example, they permitted Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab to board Northwest Airlines flight from Lagos despite the fact that the latter’s father had earlier warned them of his son’s radical views on the United States.
Having being informed about the DSS salary structure, functions and recruitments, would you love to enroll for the recruitment? If yes, always visit our website for update on DSS recruitment.
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