Download Twitter Android App – Free Android APK

Download Twitter Android App – Twitter is social networking service where users post and read short 140-character messages called “tweets”. With Twitter you can connect with friends, family, colleagues and millions of other users round the world. The platform allows you share your interest and moments just the way you like it.

Twitter Android App is also available for desktop version and PC and it gives you easy access to the Twitter world without having to open your system or device browser. The user-friendly interface makes everything even a lot easier, get all functionality of accessing the social networking, tweet directly from the app, browse friends and users, follow favorite accounts and stay updated with all of the moments they share and also get followed.

Get notifications of tweets, all with the home screen widget of the twitter Android App and also view a user’s tweet location in google Maps.

Download the twitter android app, join the community, explore and do a lot more, from direct messaging, sending tweets, getting breaking news, local and global news, trending topics, discover the things you love, express yourself with the text, photos, videos, emoji, emoticons, GIFs, follow the people that matter to you and just stay connected with Twitter Android app.

The following terminologies are common with Twitter;

* Tweet: A 140-character message.

* Retweet (RT): Re-sharing someone else’s tweet.

* Favorite: A way of liking what someone has tweeted.

* Feed: The stream of tweets on your homepage, which includes updates of other users you’re following.

* Handle: Your username, with which one can find you and probably follow you.

* Mention (@): ‘@’ pronounced ‘at’ is a way of referencing a user by his username in a tweet or discussion (e.g. @fanslite1). Users are notified when @mentioned in a discussion or tweet.

* Direct Message (DM): A private message of 140-character. You can decide to accept a Direct Message from any Twitter user, or only from users you are following. You can only DM a user who follows you.

* Hashtag (#): It is a tool that lets you discover a (trending) tweets or discussions based on topics (e.g. #DonaldTrump, #Halloween). With the hashtag, you can even find topics and tweets from users whom you do not follow.

Download Twitter Android App

Download the Twitter App for your smart devices.