Does Kiwi Automatically Check You In: When we have your details, we’ll wait for the airline to open their check-in. They usually open it one or two days before departure but it varies for each airline. We’ll then automatically start checking you in and get you your boarding pass. We’ll notify you when it’s ready.
For the Additional Services under the Letter (iii) above, We shall charge You with the flat Handling Fee in the amount of €30 (thirty euro) per passenger, regardless the Ticket Fare selected by You, unless we will agree otherwise.
What exactly do I need to do?
You’ll typically need to provide your travel document details, and since recently also some COVID-19-related documents. Add them in your trip page as soon as you can — it’s possible up to 24h before departure.
We’ll always ask you only for the details required by the airlines in your trip. Read more in What documents do I need for check-in?
What happens when I give you the details?
When we have your details, we’ll wait for the airline to open their check-in. They usually open it one or two days before departure but it varies for each airline.
We’ll then automatically start checking you in and get you your boarding pass. We’ll notify you when it’s ready.
Also read: Download Jumia App Android & iPhone App
What if I don’t add the details up to 24h before departure?
You’ll have to check in directly with the airlines. In some cases, you might have difficulties checking in with them, so we recommend you take advantage of our free online check-in service and add the details before our deadline.
Some airlines might charge up to €55 per passenger when you check in at the airport.
What if you don’t check me in?
You’ll need to check in directly with the airlines. If we don’t offer a check-in service for your flights, you shouldn’t have any difficulties checking in with them.
If we offer to check you in and fail and you don’t manage to check in with the airline online, you might need to pay up to €55 per passenger for airport check-in.