If you are searching for the right information on how to delete Uber account, then this is information here is for you because it covers the steps and procedures to delete your Uber account.
Uber is world’s most popular ride services, and that notwithstanding, some users of the service are not so happy with the company. Sometimes this is as result of the company’s policies and all of that.
Other reasons could include the way they treat their employees, higher prices, some users have complained about poor riding experience while driving to their various location.
Whatever your reason, this guide here is centered on showing you how to delete Uber account, which means at the end of this post you will comfortably delete your Uber account, all by yourself.
How To Delete Uber Account – Delete Your Uber Account
Follow this steps below to delete your Uber account;
1. From your browser, go to Uber Account delete page here
2. Click on the blue button which reads “Sign In To Get Help”
3. Provide the email address or phone number you used in creating your Uber account and then click “Next”
4. Now enter your login password
5. Type “Yes” below in the area where it asks “Do you wish to delete your account”
6. Below where it says “Share Details”, enter the reason(s) of why you would like to cancel your account.
7. Click on the big blue button at the bottom that says “SUBMIT”.
8. Now wait for an email from Uber, confirming that your account has been effectively terminated.
This way, you have successfully deleted your Uber account.