Crunchyroll (CR) is the best platform to stream and download your favorite Anime shows, drama, and Manga. Explore shows for the world’s largest anime library. With a high-speed internet connection, you can enjoy anime shows and manga, anytime, anywhere. Also, choose the best subscription plan for you below.
See the full package of the streaming service below.
About Crunchyroll Com
Crunchyroll is an online video streaming service founded on May 14, 2006. The service focuses on the distribution of anime, manga, and dorama. Few weeks after the launch in 2006, the service became one of the most popular streaming services. Currently, the platform has over 90 million users from all around the world.
The Crunch Roll streaming service is accessible from any part of the world. Also, it provides users with content in various languages such as:
Subscription Plans
The Crunchyroll streaming service has a large archive of the top anime, manga, and drama. It has over 1000 anime shows, 200+ East Asian dramas, and 80+ manga titles. All these are available for users to access with a premium subscription.
Moreover, there are tons of perks users get to enjoy in the premium plans.
Choose the best plan for you below:
Free Trial – Additionally, users get to enjoy tons of free content on the CR platform. The freemium package is available for 14 days.
Top Anime Shows and Manga
Jujutsu Kaisen
Dr. Stone
Black Clover
World Trigger
Top Manga
Attack on Titan
Genshin Impact
Talentless Nana
Inside Mari
Edens Zero
Crunchyroll App Download
The Crunchy Roll streaming service provides users with a downloader app for easy streaming and download. Access the world’s largest collection with the Crunchy Roll app. Download and watch anime offline. The app is available on Google Play Store, App Store, and third-party websites.
It is available for Android and iOS devices.
How to Download Anime on Crunchy Roll
Users can enjoy easy and fast downloads with the Crunchy Roll app. Also, only premium users can download anime on CR.
Follow the guidelines below.
Create a VRV account.
Link your premium CR account to the VRV account.
Use the VRV app for downloads.