How Hugh Jackman Carried Zac Efron Out of Fire on Set of ‘The Greatest Showman’

Hugh Jackman Carried Zac Efron Out of Fire on Set of ‘The Greatest Showman’

Hugh Jackman Carried Zac Efron Out of Fire on Set of ‘The Greatest Showman’ –  And how things got a bit intense on set of The Greatest Showman!

While promoting his upcoming film Baywatch, Zac Efron shared that while he was recently filming a scene from Showman with co-star Hugh Jackman, the building they were filming in caught on fire.

“We burst out of the building,” Zac told MTV News. “It looked great on camera. We didn’t know it (at the time), but it was pretty intense. I watched playback, and he saved me from a burning building. It later exploded that night. It was a set, but it later burned down.”

Don’t worry though – both actors are doing just fine after their fiery escape.

“It was pretty awesome,” Zac joked. “Hugh Jackman saving you from a burning building? It’s every girl’s dream.”

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