Acne – How To Treat Acne Disease
Acne is a complicated cause of spots. A skin condition very common among human race. Although the condition is treatable, but the duration is not usually established with certainty as it could take several months or even more to clear the spots completely. Despite the skin problem is common, concrete tips about how to treat acne is usually scarce which makes it difficult sometimes to clear the spots completely at least not so soon. But in a situation where acne has cleared, it is usually advised to engage maintenance treatment for couple of months to years in order to keep the spots away and completely cleared.
So many factors have been linked to cause acne skin condition; ranging from bacteria, hormones, genetics, oil production (sebum), clogged pores, Dead skin cells.
Genetic: Genetics is one way acne effects may result in some people. In such circumstance where the parents have history of severe acne problem, chances is you would have high risk of having acne in the future.
Dead Skin: Anytime a pore in our skin clogs, it can result to acne. And normally the clogging starts with dead skin cells, which the body covers as it rises to the surface of the pore. And whenever dead cells plugs the hair follicles, it results to acne.
Hormone: Hormone is another causing factor. During puberty, there is release of androgen hormone, which continues through out the puberty stage and this primarily triggers acne.The influence of this hormone continues even in the adolescent stage as the hormone level changes, especially in women, and this often causes acne in women who might have escaped it in their youth.
Oil production(Sebum): The body produces oil substance(sebum) which lubricates the skin and hair. But when the production of sebum is in excess, in addition to dead skin cells, they build up, forming a plug that can harbor certain bacteria, resulting to acne.
Bacteria: Propionibacterium acne is one anaerobic bacteria which lives on the skin. When this bacteria gets inside a clogged pore, it causes inflammation and when it deepens, it results to acne.
Certain medication has been linked to cause acne, such medications as some birth control pills or corticosteroids.
Some factors have been known to worsen the skin condition. Such factors includes among others;
* Medication with corticosteroids
* Greasy environment
* Hard rubbing and scrubbing of the skin
* Pollution
* Stress can also worsen acne.
* Cosmetics with excess oil that can clog pores.
* Use of harsh soaps and chemicals can irritate the skin and worsen acne.
To set fact direct, anybody can get acne, irrespective of;
Skin Colour; This simply means that anybody from any skin color background can get acne whether white or black, whether you are from Australia, Africa, Asia, America – Infact acne is one of the most common skin problem in United States and about 40 – 50 millions of America have acne at any one time.
AGE; Anybody can develop acne skin problem at any point of age, whether teenager, adult or even new baby can get acne.
GENDER; This means that both men and women can develop acne.
Many acne treatment products are known to exist today, while some may not be effective, some are very effective in treating acne. Certain products can clear acne but this does not guarantee acne will get cleared instantly. Although every acne problem can be managed, it is not every acne treatment that works for everybody.
The following guidelines can help you know how to treat acne, and also manage it;
#. Avoid Rubbing Of The Face; Constant rubbing and scrubbing of the ace is not not really a good practice in acne condition. While this can easily infect acne with bacteria, it can also adds to the inflammation.
#. Wash The Face; Always wash the face with clean water. This helps remove dead skin cells and oil. Avoid harsh scrubbing and use of harsh soaps that can irritate the skin.
#. Medication; There are plenty of good products for the treatment of acne. Most of them contains chemicals that inhibits the activities of bacteria, helps in keeping the skin moderately dried off oil, and even opens pore – such products like sulfur, Benzoyl peroxide(kills acne-causing bacteria), Resorcinol(removes dead skin cells) salicylic acid(which helps prevent plugging of the pores).
#. Healthy Diet; Avoid eating things that are too rich in oil, and even too much of greasy foods should be avoided. Fruits and vegetables are encouraged.
#. Avoid cosmetics that are harsh to the skin. Avoiding harsh cosmetics is one important key on how to treat acne. Always use oil-free make up that doesn’t clog pores and always wash out all makeups before bed.
Ensure these practices, to treat acne and even when the skin is cleared, treatment should continue to prevent breakouts. And your dermatologist can always advise as for when to stop treatment.
In knowing how to treat acne, also note the following simple facts regarding acne;
* Acne is a skin disease
* Acne can affect any individual, irrespective of age, gender or color.
* Acne susceptibility can be genetic.
* Acne is not deadly, but it can leave a lasting spots.
* Its treatment depends on its severity.
* Acne can be worsen by stress and oil based substances.
* Acne occurs mostly at puberty.
* Acne can affect anybody!
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