Here are some common causes of Eczema and prevention you need to know. But before that lets understand what Eczema is all about.
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a skin condition that can affect everyone, and children are especially prone. Eczema can be an inherited condition, but it also relates to your allergies and defects in your skin barrier.
Your body is capable of fighting off eczema easily but sometimes it prolongs it or makes it worse. There are many ways to prevent the worsening of your eczema and the development of complications.
If you take steps to reduce your symptoms, make yourself more comfortable, and keep your skin healthy, your eczema will disappear in no time.
Typically, it is important to know the causes of Eczema and prevention which may involve hydrating the skin and reducing inflammation through corticosteroid- based cream.
Symptoms of eczema may include;dry skin, itching, redness, rashes, scaly skin, oozing, crusting, swelling, and/or dark colored patches of skin, now lets see the common Causes of Eczema and prevention below.
The common Causes of Eczema and prevention:
1. New shower Gel:
Have you just bought a new shower gel? Does your new job require to wash your hands more than you usually would? If nothing has changed recently in your life that you think could have caused a flare up, it may be that some of the ingredients in products you use every day have changed.
Take a thorough look through all of your household items, and see if at least one of them could be causing or exacerbating your eczema. Does anything make it better or worse if you eliminate something, like your lotion or your face wash?
2. Clothing:
Inspecting your clothing is very important, especially If your flare up is located on a patch of skin covered by clothing, there is a good chance that might be the cause. If you find that clothing is causing eczema because of the way it is washed, you only need to change your laundry detergent. If it is due to the fabrics and materials themselves, you may need to get rid of that article of clothing.
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Next time you wash your clothes, make sure they are rinsed of detergent completely. If you still have skin problems, the problem could be with a certain article of clothing.
The rivets or buttons may be giving you eczema. Check clothing for rivets or snaps that may contain nickel.
Your skin may have a sensitivity or allergy to a blend of fabric. If changing detergents did not help, you may need to quit wearing that article of clothing.
3. Environmental factors:
Have you been exposed to abnormal levels of poor air quality, bacteria and viruses, heat or humidity, chemicals, or dust and pollen? Have you been sweating or had higher levels of stress than normal? Are you in the midst of a season change? If any of these are true, it is possible that returning to a normal lifestyle will allow your eczema to subside.
4. Known and unknown food allergies:
Eczema is a symptom of some food allergies, such as dairy, nuts, and shellfish. If you have persistent eczema with no identifiable environmental risk factors, see a doctor. They will be able to test you for food allergies and determine if that is the cause of your eczema.
Easy Steps on how to Prevent Eczema:
1. Use soaps and shampoos designed for sensitive skin:
If you are treating a flare up, alternative bathing methods may be necessary. When the flare up subsides, look for soaps and shampoos designed to promote healthy, moisturized skin. Stay away from soaps and shampoos containing dyes and perfumes.
2. Stablish a healthy diet:
While doctors and scientists do not believe a poor diet can cause eczema, healthy foods go a long way in promoting total body health. Opt for foods rich in vitamins and nutrients over those loaded with preservatives and empty calories. Eating good foods will improve much more than your skin health. Try adding fish oil capsules to your diet. Check sensitivity to pork and food dyes. Seafood has also been known to incur an allergic reaction.
3. Use moisturizers and creams designed for sensitive skin:
When treating an eczema flare up, look for moisturizers that are designed to control itching and inflammation, repair the skin, and fight infection. When the flare up subsides, switch back to an everyday sensitive skin moisturizer.
4. Reduce and manage stress:
While stress may not cause eczema, it can contribute to its worsening and persistence. Try to reduce pressure in your life. Learn how to meditate or use relaxation exercises. Make sure you reach out to those around you to help you manage your stress.
5. Take oral medication or apply creams:
These can reduce the symptoms of eczema to allow it to heal properly. Look for over-the-counter oral medications that contain antihistamines to reduce itching — but beware, they make you drowsy. Prescription or over-the-counter creams that contain hydro cortisone can help with itching as well. Make sure you are also moisturizing because they do not always do both jobs.
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