Sure Ways to Preventing Birth Defects During & After pregnancy
Case Study To Preventing Birth Defects In Women – Reports have it that every year hundreds of children are given birth to, with one birth defect and challenge or the other. While some of these challenges and defects have can be linked to the carelessness of the parenting mother, others are majorly as a result of lack of essential nutrients in the meal of the child mother before, during and after pregnancy. These problem of Mal-nutrition poses serious challenges in the life of the unborn child, resulting to series of birth defects. Preventing Birth Defects
In this article, we are going to look at some of the nutritive practices that can cause child birth defect and those that help avoid birth defects. That is, the foods to avoid, the ones to eat and how to eat them as well. Preventing Birth Defects
GOOD DIETING Preventing Birth Defects
Maintaining good eating habit is one of the major ways to avoid birth defects. During the time of pregnancy preparation and the period itself is not a time to eat junks. Ensure you stick to the best meal practices, as good nutrition ensures that the unborn baby is in good healthy condition. Incorporate foods rich in vitamins and minerals, take a lot fruits, vegetables, lean proteins are good too, take a lot of water. Avoid junk foods, foods with heavy chemicals sources, as natural foods rich in nutrients are better than empty calories foods. Do not try new diet, except recommended by doctor.
Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy
Nutritionists have recommended that you take a daily multivitamins on average of 400 micrograms(ug) of folic acid even before conception. Folic acid: FA is an important B vitamins that has been proven to reduce birth defects, especially Anencephaly and Spina bifida. Adequate amount of folic acid in the system prior to conception will be a good advantage. Thus, it is most importantly that every woman of bearing age take supplements from time to time, even if you do this by accident or by chance.
ENSURE HEALTHY WEIGHT Preventing Birth Defects
Most times children born by an obese parent have high tendency of birth defects including the brain and spinal cord disorders, maintaining a healthy weight is always advisable and required, as research has proven that when it comes to pregnancy, it is even more important to maintain a healthy weight.
Alas! “the overall difference in risk between a woman with a healthy weight and a weight considered to be obese is slight [a woman with a healthy weight has a three(3) in 100 risk of having a baby with birth defects, compared to four(4) in 100 for an obese woman]” as reported, and the risk of having a baby with Spina bifida, which is a condition affecting the spinal cord of a fetus, is considered doubled in women that are obese. Spina bifida may possibly be prevented by taking of 400 micrograms(ug) folic acid as recommended before and during pregnancy. Preventing Birth Defects
Any woman who want to reduce her risk of weight-related birth defects during pregnancy needed to discuss diet and lifestyle changes with her Dietitian/Nutritionist and Physician before conception.
10 Important Fruits To Eat During Pregnancy
Alcohol in-take has reportedly caused series of birth defect, including low birth weight, stillbirth and many more. In worse extreme, pregnant women indulge in alcoholism, drug abuse and tobacco in-take, this can cause serious problems – as serious as miscarriage. Health practitioner have advised that women quit smoking, alcoholism, and rest before conception as practising these habits can endanger the life and well-being of the unborn baby. Preventing Birth Defects
Please be well guided, even during lactation period, alcohol, of any amount should be avoided, as there is no safe amount that guarantees the child good health. Avoid smoking, alcohol drinking before, during and after pregnancy to avoid risking the good health of the baby.
There are more than 7,000 birth defects with a genetic cause. “According to When a family has an history of birth defects traced to third generations they should take a close look at their genetic makeup to determine if their unborn child might be at risk as well, and the couple should consult a genetic counselor to proffer an evaluation to the problem. Sickle cell disease, heart malfunctioning,and down syndrome are some of the most common birth defects with a genetic make-ups. Its advisable to couple to seek advice professionally, if any risk on giving birth to birth to a child with defects.
Benefits Of Coconut Water During Pregnancy
DECLINING AGE Preventing Birth Defects
When it comes to pregnancy, age deserves a bit more attention than speculated in other normal life situations. Women over 35yrs are at inclining risk of birth defects and this is mainly connected to genetic mutations, such as extra or damaged gene. this is as a result of the cells decreasing in mass as age increases,and the most common of it being Down syndrome, its a disorder common to older women. Extra laboratory testing and analysis such as simple blood test, amniocentesis, or chorionic villus sampling, during pregnancy is advised for women over 35yrs. Preventing Birth Defects
Self medication is a bad practice! Always consult your doctor whenever you have any health challenge no matter how small. Even during and after pregnancy. Self medication is life threatening to both mother and the baby. Over the counter medicines and self administering should be avoided. Preventing Birth Defects
Though some medication may be may be required during pregnancy for those who suffer some family history chronic conditions, such as hypothyroidism, whereas some without history are nt recommended to drugs against expert prescriptions.
Some of this medication, without proper prescription and expert advice, can cross the placenta and cause birth defects. Please run away from Self medication, it is not good for you as a person, as mother, as pregnant woman, and it is not good for the unborn baby too. Preventing Birth Defects