Writing SEO friendly blog post and awesome one indeed is just like every other writing. It requires a level of skills since it is usually aimed at engaging and keeping the reader reading through.
In order to achieve this, one does not just begin writing, a calculated approach is usually taken, employing couple of writing skills. You have to think about what topic you want to write, articulate the structure of the write up.
There is need to make the topic as clear as it could be, make your paragraphs, and remember each paragraph has to capture a subject information, headings and subheading are important as well as coordinated sentence.
When you bear this in mind you should be able to come up writings that are SEO friendly, don’t let the issue of keyword distort the information and meaning you want to convey, as long you make the subject matter as clear as it should be, definitely the keyword wouldn’t pose problem as t will always find it way in the writing. Just make it all natural.
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Here are some awesome tips for writing SEO friendly blog post;
1. Before You Write, THINK!
Make good thinking and critical evaluation of the subject matter you want to write. Think about the topic, the message and meaning you would want to pass across at the end of the writing. Think of the purpose of the writing and also try to cover the answer in the writing.
2. The Structure OF The Blog Post
This aims to tackle the issue of the post structure. Post or writing structure deals with;
#. The Topic
#. The Introduction
#. The body
#. The conclusion
3. Employ Your Paragraphs
While you write your post, try making use of paragraph, but hey! Do not just paragraph for paragraphing sake. Ensure each paragraph contains a main idea of the the topic you are writing about. Do not just make paragraphs because they look nice. Let it pass a main idea.
4. Headings & Subheadings
Heading are necessary for readability and for SEO too. With headings Google is able to catch the main topics of a long post and this can help in your ranking. Subheadings too make things further clearer, clarifying the structure of the write up and helping reader be able to scan through. Very importantly, make sure you use your keywords in some subheadings.
5. Use Of Signal Words:
Signal words help structure your write up, while giving clear signal to your readers and helping them grasp the main idea. Signal words are words like; “Surely”, ‘Nevertheless’, ‘Finally’ etc.
6. Give People To Read Your Write Up
After writing your post, give to other people to read through, see if they can grasp the main idea of the post. Make corrections to typographical errors and correct the wrong sentences.
7. Watch (Optimize) The Length Of Your Write Up.
Generally, google like a long articles, but note if your post is too long it can scare people from reading. Thus ensure your article has a minimum of 300 words contained in it.
8. Link To Related Resources & Content:
Whenever you write a post, check whether you have similar content written before, and if so, try to link to such posts. While your readers may be interested in reading such other posts, it also shows you have authority and wealth of knowledge in such subject matter or topic.
9. Publish Post Regularly:
This will make google crawl your site more often, but if you are no too active it can make google craw it less and this can affect ranking negatively. Let google know your website is active.
10. Use Tags
Ensure you use tags where possible, as this strengthens the keywords in each post. Using 5 to 10 tags is OK, though you can use as many as you want.
11. Use Of SEO Plugin
Some content analysis tool like the Yoast SEO plugin helps you analyze and optimize your blog post. The plugin helps you check if you have used the keyword well, in good places and in good number of appearance. The plugin can help you check for presence of links in your article, calculate number of words and many more.
When you have followed and applied these tips we have presented here, with few other of your own good writing skill, there is future for your blog post. Remember, good content is king!
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